संजाल कोर द्वारा संचालित आइनेपल डट ओरग मा हजुरहरुलाई स्वागत छ
iNepal.org is a venture by Sanjaal Corps to preserve, promote and provide opportunity to share Nepali Contents in digital form. With over 4000 Nepali poems and hundreds of Nepali Stories and articles, we are one of the largest websites with large data.
It’s not just the preservation and promotion of Nepali Content, we are also working effortlessly to be the pioneer of Nepali Data. While this feature is not ready yet, it is one of the biggest efforts Sanjaal Corps has put into. The initiative aims to provide data related to Nepali People, Nepali Culture, Geography and Traditions in the easily consumable formats for other websites and companies.
A third feature we are working on is to have a “Nepali People” profile that will feature photos, and information of public figures, politicians, entrepreneurs, celebrities and more.
As you can see, we have “Nepal” in mind in everything we are doing, and that is our core value. You will see us grow. We have several other ideas in mind that we have not started yet but will be initiated as we have more resources.
We definitely like to see you volunteer and contribute to our work. If you are interested in helping a digital revolution in Nepal with one step at a time, send us and email to contact AT sanjaal DOT com, we might have tasks, based on your location, that we could use your help to get done.
हामी सोसल मीडियामा पनि क्रियाशिल छौं
You can find us in various social medias. Please follow us/like us/subscribe us as appropriate.
- Faceboook – https://www.facebook.com/sanjaalcorps
- Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/sanjaalcorps
- Twitter – https://www.twitter.com/sanjaalcorps
- YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/sanjaalcorps
हामीलाई सम्पर्क गर्नु परेमा
The easiest way for you to contact us is via email. Our email address is: contact@sanjaal.com. You can also send us Direct Mails in Instagram, or Facebook. We are primarily based in United States.